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  • Writer's pictureTamie

Count Your Blessings

Good morning and happy Sunday y'all!

Yesterday was a trying day. Really long day! Here is the back story! My family has been setting up the personalized ornaments that you find in the mall. We work really hard for 6-8 weeks...very long hours, people judging you and your work on the ornament. So, how does this tie to Perfect Love and Perfect Trust? Well....our daughter has been encouraging me to follow my dream of opening a metaphysical store for years. 4 years ago we made the decision to use the money from ornaments to do just that. Eight weeks of long hours for it all to go into opening the store. Then, more long days and hard work to get the store open. Well...when we were done....the store was amazing...but if you look back at pictures of our 1st will see that it didn't go far.

So now, 4 years later, we tried very hard to get the help we thought we needed to get through our hardest, longest day with ornaments and we just couldn't find the help. was just me for 12 hours with my husband coming in on his day off to take orders and mess up the register (grin). It felt overwhelming. But you know what? It was ok. So, before the days starts today, I am looking back at all that has happened! I look at pictures of when we first opened and where the store is now..but...more importantly...where I was then to now. Here is what has come to me!

It's not the destination, it's the journey that is important When you feel overwhelmed, look around and see your blessings When you try so hard to get others to help and can't, it might be because you can do it. We are all more powerful than we believe. When facing a challenging customer it is helpful to see the divine within them. When looking back on your journey so far, you will be amazed at the people who come into your world to help you become a greater, stronger, more powerful version of yourself. Ask for help! Count your blessings twice Give thanks! We, my family and I, are deeply grateful to our perfect Love and Perfect Trust family! Be Blessed!


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